Configure the SDK
The SDK is the built-in reference implementation of the API, processing and exporting telemetry produced by instrumentation API calls. Configuring the SDK to process and export appropriately is an essential step to integrating OpenTelemetry into an application.
All SDK components have programmatic configuration APIs. This is the most flexible, expressive way to configure the SDK. However, changing configuration requires adjusting code and recompiling the application, and there is no language interoperability since the API is written in java.
The zero-code SDK autoconfigure module configures SDK components through system properties or environment variables, with various extension points for instances where the properties are insufficient.
Programmatic configuration
The programmatic configuration interface is the set of APIs for constructing SDK components. All SDK components have a programmatic configuration API, and all other configuration mechanisms are built on top of this API. For example, the autoconfigure environment variable and system property configuration interface interprets well-known environment variables and system properties into a series of calls to the programmatic configuration API.
While other configuration mechanisms offer more convenience, none offer the flexibility of writing code expressing the precise configuration required. When a particular capability isn’t supported by a higher order configuration mechanism, you might have no choice but to use programmatic configuration.
The SDK components sections demonstrate simple programmatic configuration API for key user-facing areas of the SDK. Consult the code for complete API reference.
Zero-code SDK autoconfigure
The autoconfigure module (artifact
is a configuration interface built on top of the
programmatic configuration interface, which
configures SDK components with zero code. There are
two distinct autoconfigure workflows:
- Environment variables and system properties interprets environment variables and system properties to create SDK components, including various customization points for overlaying programmatic configuration.
- Declarative configuration (currently under development) interprets a configuration model to create SDK components, which is typically encoded in a YAML configuration file.
Automatically configure SDK components using with autoconfigure as follows:
package otel;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.OpenTelemetrySdk;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguredOpenTelemetrySdk;
public class AutoConfiguredSdk {
public static OpenTelemetrySdk autoconfiguredSdk() {
return AutoConfiguredOpenTelemetrySdk.initialize().getOpenTelemetrySdk();
for internal logging, some
logging might be suppressed during shutdown hooks. This is a bug in the JDK
itself, and not something under the control of OpenTelemetry Java. If you
require logging during shutdown hooks, consider using System.out
rather than a
logging framework which might shut itself down in a shutdown hook, thus
suppressing your log messages. For more details, see this
JDK bug.Environment variables and system properties
The autoconfigure module supports properties listed in the environment variable configuration specification, with occasional experimental and Java-specific additions.
The following properties are listed as system properties, but can also be set using environment variables. Apply the following steps to convert a system property to an environment variable:
- Convert the name to uppercase.
- Replace all
characters with_
For example, the otel.sdk.enabled
system property is equivalent to the
environment variable.
If a property is defined as both a system property and environment variable, the system property takes priority.
Properties: general
Properties for disabling the SDK:
System property | Description | Default |
otel.sdk.disabled | If true , disable the OpenTelemetry SDK. [1] | false |
[1]: If disabled, AutoConfiguredOpenTelemetrySdk#getOpenTelemetrySdk()
returns a minimally configured instance (for example,
Properties for configuring resource:
System property | Description | Default |
---|---|---| | Specify logical service name. Takes precedence over defined with otel.resource.attributes . | unknown_service:java |
otel.resource.attributes | Specify resource attributes in the following format: key1=val1,key2=val2,key3=val3 . | |
otel.experimental.resource.disabled-keys | Specify resource attribute keys to filter. This option is experimental and subject to change or removal. | | | Comma-separated list of ResourceProvider fully qualified class names to enable. [1] If unset, all resource providers are enabled. | | | Comma-separated list of ResourceProvider fully qualified class names to disable. [1] |
[1]: For example, to disable the
OS resource provider,
See ResourceProvider for resource provider artifact
Properties for attribute limits (see span limits, log limits):
System property | Description | Default |
otel.attribute.value.length.limit | The maximum length of attribute values. Applies to spans and logs. Overridden by otel.span.attribute.value.length.limit , otel.span.attribute.count.limit . | No limit |
otel.attribute.count.limit | The maximum number of attributes. Applies to spans, span events, span links, and logs. | 128 |
Properties for context propagation:
System property | Description | Default |
otel.propagators | Comma-separated list of propagators. Known values include tracecontext , baggage , b3 , b3multi , jaeger , ottrace , xray , xray-lambda . [1] | tracecontext,baggage (W3C) |
[1]: Known propagators and artifacts (see text map propagator for artifact coordinates):
Properties: traces
Properties for batch span processor(s) paired with
exporters specified via otel.traces.exporter
System property | Description | Default |
otel.bsp.schedule.delay | The interval, in milliseconds, between two consecutive exports. | 5000 |
otel.bsp.max.queue.size | The maximum queue size. | 2048 |
otel.bsp.max.export.batch.size | The maximum batch size. | 512 |
otel.bsp.export.timeout | The maximum allowed time, in milliseconds, to export data. | 30000 |
Properties for sampler:
System property | Description | Default |
otel.traces.sampler | The sampler to use. Known values include always_on , always_off , traceidratio , parentbased_always_on , parentbased_always_off , parentbased_traceidratio , jaeger_remote . [1] | parentbased_always_on |
otel.traces.sampler.arg | An argument to the configured tracer if supported, for example a ratio. |
[1]: Known samplers and artifacts (see sampler for artifact coordinates):
sets the ratio.parentbased_always_on
sets the ratio.jaeger_remote
is a comma-separated list of args as described in the specification.
Properties for span limits:
System property | Description | Default |
otel.span.attribute.value.length.limit | The maximum length of span attribute values. Takes precedence over otel.attribute.value.length.limit . | No limit |
otel.span.attribute.count.limit | The maximum number of attributes per span. Takes precedence over otel.attribute.count.limit . | 128 |
otel.span.event.count.limit | The maximum number of events per span. | 128 | | The maximum number of links per span. | 128 |
Properties: metrics
Properties for periodic metric reader:
System property | Description | Default |
otel.metric.export.interval | The interval, in milliseconds, between the start of two export attempts. | 60000 |
Properties for exemplars:
System property | Description | Default |
otel.metrics.exemplar.filter | The filter for exemplar sampling. Can be ALWAYS_OFF , ALWAYS_ON or TRACE_BASED . | TRACE_BASED |
Properties for cardinality limits:
System property | Description | Default |
otel.experimental.metrics.cardinality.limit | If set, configure cardinality limit. The value dictates the maximum number of distinct points per metric. This option is experimental and subject to change or removal. | 2000 |
Properties: logs
Properties for log record processor(s) pared with
exporters via otel.logs.exporter
System property | Description | Default |
otel.blrp.schedule.delay | The interval, in milliseconds, between two consecutive exports. | 1000 |
otel.blrp.max.queue.size | The maximum queue size. | 2048 |
otel.blrp.max.export.batch.size | The maximum batch size. | 512 |
otel.blrp.export.timeout | The maximum allowed time, in milliseconds, to export data. | 30000 |
Properties: exporters
Properties for setting exporters:
System property | Purpose | Default |
otel.traces.exporter | Comma-separated list of span exporters. Known values include otlp , zipkin , console , logging-otlp , none . [1] | otlp |
otel.metrics.exporter | Comma-separated list of metric exporters. Known values include otlp , prometheus , none . [1] | otlp |
otel.logs.exporter | Comma-separated list of log record exporters. Known values include otlp , console , logging-otlp , none . [1] | otlp | | If reusable_data , enable reusable memory mode (on exporters which support it) to reduce allocations. Known values include reusable_data , immutable_data . This option is experimental and subject to change or removal. [2] | immutable_data |
[1]: Known exporters and artifacts (see span exporter, metric exporter, log exporter for exporter artifact coordinates):
[2]: Exporters which adhere to
, OtlpHttp{Signal}Exporter
, and
Properties for otlp
span, metric, and log exporters:
System property | Description | Default |
otel.{signal}.exporter=otlp | Select the OpenTelemetry exporter for {signal}. | |
otel.exporter.otlp.protocol | The transport protocol to use on OTLP trace, metric, and log requests. Options include grpc and http/protobuf . | grpc [1] |
otel.exporter.otlp.{signal}.protocol | The transport protocol to use on OTLP {signal} requests. Options include grpc and http/protobuf . | grpc [1] |
otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint | The endpoint to send all OTLP traces, metrics, and logs to. Often the address of an OpenTelemetry Collector. Must be a URL with a scheme of either http or https based on the use of TLS. If protocol is http/protobuf the version and signal will be appended to the path (e.g. v1/traces , v1/metrics , or v1/logs ). | http://localhost:4317 when protocol is grpc , and http://localhost:4318/v1/{signal} when protocol is http/protobuf . |
otel.exporter.otlp.{signal}.endpoint | The endpoint to send OTLP {signal} to. Often the address of an OpenTelemetry Collector. Must be a URL with a scheme of either http or https based on the use of TLS. | http://localhost:4317 when protocol is grpc , and http://localhost:4318/v1/{signal} when protocol is http/protobuf . |
otel.exporter.otlp.certificate | The path to the file containing trusted certificates to use when verifying an OTLP trace, metric, or log server’s TLS credentials. The file should contain one or more X.509 certificates in PEM format. | The host platform’s trusted root certificates are used. |
otel.exporter.otlp.{signal}.certificate | The path to the file containing trusted certificates to use when verifying an OTLP {signal} server’s TLS credentials. The file should contain one or more X.509 certificates in PEM format. | The host platform’s trusted root certificates are used |
otel.exporter.otlp.client.key | The path to the file containing private client key to use when verifying an OTLP trace, metric, or log client’s TLS credentials. The file should contain one private key PKCS8 PEM format. | No client key file is used. |
otel.exporter.otlp.{signal}.client.key | The path to the file containing private client key to use when verifying an OTLP {signal} client’s TLS credentials. The file should contain one private key PKCS8 PEM format. | No client key file is used. |
otel.exporter.otlp.client.certificate | The path to the file containing trusted certificates to use when verifying an OTLP trace, metric, or log client’s TLS credentials. The file should contain one or more X.509 certificates in PEM format. | No chain file is used. |
otel.exporter.otlp.{signal}.client.certificate | The path to the file containing trusted certificates to use when verifying an OTLP {signal} server’s TLS credentials. The file should contain one or more X.509 certificates in PEM format. | No chain file is used. |
otel.exporter.otlp.headers | Key-value pairs separated by commas to pass as request headers on OTLP trace, metric, and log requests. | |
otel.exporter.otlp.{signal}.headers | Key-value pairs separated by commas to pass as request headers on OTLP {signal} requests. | |
otel.exporter.otlp.compression | The compression type to use on OTLP trace, metric, and log requests. Options include gzip . | No compression will be used. |
otel.exporter.otlp.{signal}.compression | The compression type to use on OTLP {signal} requests. Options include gzip . | No compression will be used. |
otel.exporter.otlp.timeout | The maximum waiting time, in milliseconds, allowed to send each OTLP trace, metric, and log batch. | 10000 |
otel.exporter.otlp.{signal}.timeout | The maximum waiting time, in milliseconds, allowed to send each OTLP {signal} batch. | 10000 |
otel.exporter.otlp.metrics.temporality.preference | The preferred output aggregation temporality. Options include DELTA , LOWMEMORY , and CUMULATIVE . If CUMULATIVE , all instruments will have cumulative temporality. If DELTA , counter (sync and async) and histograms will be delta, up down counters (sync and async) will be cumulative. If LOWMEMORY , sync counter and histograms will be delta, async counter and up down counters (sync and async) will be cumulative. | CUMULATIVE |
otel.exporter.otlp.metrics.default.histogram.aggregation | The preferred default histogram aggregation. Options include BASE2_EXPONENTIAL_BUCKET_HISTOGRAM and EXPLICIT_BUCKET_HISTOGRAM . | EXPLICIT_BUCKET_HISTOGRAM |
otel.experimental.exporter.otlp.retry.enabled | If true , retry on when transient errors occur. [2] | false |
NOTE: The text placeholder {signal}
refers to the supported
OpenTelemetry Signal. Valid values include traces
, and logs
. Signal specific configurations take priority over the
generic versions. For example, if you set both otel.exporter.otlp.endpoint
, the latter will take precedence.
[1]: OpenTelemetry Java agent 2.x and the OpenTelemetry Spring Boot starter
use http/protobuf
by default.
[2]: OTLP requires
transient errors to be handled with
a retry strategy. When retry is enabled, retryable gRPC status codes are retried
using an exponential backoff with jitter algorithm. The specific options of
can only be customized via
programmatic customization.
Properties for zipkin
span exporter:
System property | Description | Default |
otel.traces.exporter=zipkin | Select the Zipkin exporter | |
otel.exporter.zipkin.endpoint | The Zipkin endpoint to connect to. Only HTTP is supported. | http://localhost:9411/api/v2/spans |
Properties for prometheus
metric exporter.
System property | Description | Default |
otel.metrics.exporter=prometheus | Select the Prometheus exporter | |
otel.exporter.prometheus.port | The local port used to bind the prometheus metric server. | 9464 | | The local address used to bind the prometheus metric server. | |
Programmatic customization
Programmatic customization provides hooks to supplement the supported properties with programmatic configuration.
If using the Spring starter, see also spring starter programmatic configuration.
package otel;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.OpenTelemetrySdk;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.AutoConfiguredOpenTelemetrySdk;
import java.util.Collections;
public class CustomizedAutoConfiguredSdk {
public static OpenTelemetrySdk autoconfiguredSdk() {
return AutoConfiguredOpenTelemetrySdk.builder()
// Optionally customize TextMapPropagator.
.addPropagatorCustomizer((textMapPropagator, configProperties) -> textMapPropagator)
// Optionally customize Resource.
.addResourceCustomizer((resource, configProperties) -> resource)
// Optionally customize Sampler.
.addSamplerCustomizer((sampler, configProperties) -> sampler)
// Optionally customize SpanExporter.
.addSpanExporterCustomizer((spanExporter, configProperties) -> spanExporter)
// Optionally customize SpanProcessor.
.addSpanProcessorCustomizer((spanProcessor, configProperties) -> spanProcessor)
// Optionally supply additional properties.
// Optionally customize ConfigProperties.
.addPropertiesCustomizer(configProperties -> Collections.emptyMap())
// Optionally customize SdkTracerProviderBuilder.
.addTracerProviderCustomizer((builder, configProperties) -> builder)
// Optionally customize SdkMeterProviderBuilder.
.addMeterProviderCustomizer((builder, configProperties) -> builder)
// Optionally customize MetricExporter.
.addMetricExporterCustomizer((metricExporter, configProperties) -> metricExporter)
// Optionally customize MetricReader.
.addMetricReaderCustomizer((metricReader, configProperties) -> metricReader)
// Optionally customize SdkLoggerProviderBuilder.
.addLoggerProviderCustomizer((builder, configProperties) -> builder)
// Optionally customize LogRecordExporter.
.addLogRecordExporterCustomizer((logRecordExporter, configProperties) -> logRecordExporter)
// Optionally customize LogRecordProcessor.
.addLogRecordProcessorCustomizer((processor, configProperties) -> processor)
SPI (Service provider interface)
SPIs (artifact
extend SDK autoconfiguration beyond the components built-in to the SDK.
The following sections describe the available SPIs. Each SPI section includes:
- A brief description, including link to Javadoc type reference.
- A table of available built-in and
implementations. - A simple demonstration of a custom implementation.
ResourceProviders contribute to the autoconfigured resource.
s built-in to the SDK and maintained by the community in
Class | Artifact | Description |
io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.ContainerResourceProvider | io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-resources:2.9.0-alpha | Provides container resource attributes. |
io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.HostResourceProvider | io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-resources:2.9.0-alpha | Provides host resource attributes. |
io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.HostIdResourceProvider | io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-resources:2.9.0-alpha | Provides host ID resource attribute. |
io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.ManifestResourceProvider | io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-resources:2.9.0-alpha | Provides service resource attributes based on jar manifest. |
io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.OsResourceProvider | io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-resources:2.9.0-alpha | Provides OS resource attributes. |
io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.ProcessResourceProvider | io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-resources:2.9.0-alpha | Provides process resource attributes. |
io.opentelemetry.instrumentation.resources.ProcessRuntimeProvider | io.opentelemetry.instrumentation:opentelemetry-resources:2.9.0-alpha | Provides process runtime resource attributes. |
io.opentelemetry.contrib.gcp.resource.GCPResourceProvider | io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-gcp-resources:1.38.0-alpha | Provides GCP runtime environment resource attributes. | | io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-resources:1.38.0-alpha | Provides AWS beanstalk runtime environment resource attributes. | | io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-resources:1.38.0-alpha | Provides AWS ec2 runtime environment resource attributes. | | io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-resources:1.38.0-alpha | Provides AWS ecs runtime environment resource attributes. | | io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-resources:1.38.0-alpha | Provides AWS eks runtime environment resource attributes. | | io.opentelemetry.contrib:opentelemetry-aws-resources:1.38.0-alpha | Provides AWS lambda runtime environment resource attributes. |
Implement the ResourceProvider
interface to participate in resource
autoconfiguration. For example:
package otel;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.ConfigProperties;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.ResourceProvider;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.resources.Resource;
public class CustomResourceProvider implements ResourceProvider {
public Resource createResource(ConfigProperties config) {
// Callback invoked to contribute to the resource.
return Resource.builder().put("my.custom.resource.attribute", "abc123").build();
public int order() {
// Optionally influence the order of invocation.
return 0;
Implement the AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider interface to customize a variety of autoconfigured SDK components. For example:
package otel;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.AutoConfigurationCustomizer;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider;
import java.util.Collections;
public class CustomizerProvider implements AutoConfigurationCustomizerProvider {
public void customize(AutoConfigurationCustomizer customizer) {
// Optionally customize TextMapPropagator.
customizer.addPropagatorCustomizer((textMapPropagator, configProperties) -> textMapPropagator);
// Optionally customize Resource.
customizer.addResourceCustomizer((resource, configProperties) -> resource);
// Optionally customize Sampler.
customizer.addSamplerCustomizer((sampler, configProperties) -> sampler);
// Optionally customize SpanExporter.
customizer.addSpanExporterCustomizer((spanExporter, configProperties) -> spanExporter);
// Optionally customize SpanProcessor.
customizer.addSpanProcessorCustomizer((spanProcessor, configProperties) -> spanProcessor);
// Optionally supply additional properties.
// Optionally customize ConfigProperties.
customizer.addPropertiesCustomizer(configProperties -> Collections.emptyMap());
// Optionally customize SdkTracerProviderBuilder.
customizer.addTracerProviderCustomizer((builder, configProperties) -> builder);
// Optionally customize SdkMeterProviderBuilder.
customizer.addMeterProviderCustomizer((builder, configProperties) -> builder);
// Optionally customize MetricExporter.
customizer.addMetricExporterCustomizer((metricExporter, configProperties) -> metricExporter);
// Optionally customize MetricReader.
customizer.addMetricReaderCustomizer((metricReader, configProperties) -> metricReader);
// Optionally customize SdkLoggerProviderBuilder.
customizer.addLoggerProviderCustomizer((builder, configProperties) -> builder);
// Optionally customize LogRecordExporter.
customizer.addLogRecordExporterCustomizer((exporter, configProperties) -> exporter);
// Optionally customize LogRecordProcessor.
customizer.addLogRecordProcessorCustomizer((processor, configProperties) -> processor);
public int order() {
// Optionally influence the order of invocation.
return 0;
Implement the ConfigurableSpanExporterProvider interface to allow a custom span exporter to participate in autoconfiguration. For example:
package otel;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.ConfigProperties;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.traces.ConfigurableSpanExporterProvider;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace.export.SpanExporter;
public class CustomSpanExporterProvider implements ConfigurableSpanExporterProvider {
public SpanExporter createExporter(ConfigProperties config) {
// Callback invoked when OTEL_TRACES_EXPORTER includes the value from getName().
return new CustomSpanExporter();
public String getName() {
return "custom-exporter";
Implement the ConfigurableMetricExporterProvider interface to allow a custom metric exporter to participate in autoconfiguration. For example:
package otel;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.ConfigProperties;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.metrics.ConfigurableMetricExporterProvider;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.metrics.export.MetricExporter;
public class CustomMetricExporterProvider implements ConfigurableMetricExporterProvider {
public MetricExporter createExporter(ConfigProperties config) {
// Callback invoked when OTEL_METRICS_EXPORTER includes the value from getName().
return new CustomMetricExporter();
public String getName() {
return "custom-exporter";
Implement the ConfigurableLogRecordExporterProvider interface to allow a custom log record exporter to participate in autoconfiguration. For example:
package otel;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.ConfigProperties;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.logs.ConfigurableLogRecordExporterProvider;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.logs.export.LogRecordExporter;
public class CustomLogRecordExporterProvider implements ConfigurableLogRecordExporterProvider {
public LogRecordExporter createExporter(ConfigProperties config) {
// Callback invoked when OTEL_LOGS_EXPORTER includes the value from getName().
return new CustomLogRecordExporter();
public String getName() {
return "custom-exporter";
Implement the ConfigurableSamplerProvider interface to allow a custom sampler to participate in autoconfiguration. For example:
package otel;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.ConfigProperties;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.traces.ConfigurableSamplerProvider;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.trace.samplers.Sampler;
public class CustomSamplerProvider implements ConfigurableSamplerProvider {
public Sampler createSampler(ConfigProperties config) {
// Callback invoked when OTEL_TRACES_SAMPLER is set to the value from getName().
return new CustomSampler();
public String getName() {
return "custom-sampler";
Implement the ConfigurablePropagatorProvider interface to allow a custom propagator to participate in autoconfiguration. For example:
package otel;
import io.opentelemetry.context.propagation.TextMapPropagator;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.ConfigProperties;
import io.opentelemetry.sdk.autoconfigure.spi.ConfigurablePropagatorProvider;
public class CustomTextMapPropagatorProvider implements ConfigurablePropagatorProvider {
public TextMapPropagator getPropagator(ConfigProperties config) {
// Callback invoked when OTEL_PROPAGATORS includes the value from getName().
return new CustomTextMapPropagator();
public String getName() {
return "custom-propagator";
Declarative configuration
Declarative configuration is currently under development. It allows for YAML file-based configuration as described in opentelemetry-configuration and declarative configuration.
To use, include
and specify the path to the config file as described in the table below.
System property | Purpose | Default |
otel.experimental.config.file | The path to the SDK configuration file. | Unset |
When a config file is specified, environment variables and system properties are ignored, programmatic customization and SPIs are skipped. The contents of the file alone dictate SDK configuration.For additional details, consult the following resources:
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