Intro to OpenTelemetry Java
Intro to the OpenTelemetry Java ecosystem
This is the OpenTelemetry Java documentation. OpenTelemetry is an observability framework – an API, SDK, and tools that are designed to aid in the generation and collection of application telemetry data such as metrics, logs, and traces. This documentation is designed to help you understand how to get started using OpenTelemetry Java.
The current status of the major functional components for OpenTelemetry Java is as follows:
Traces | Metrics | Logs |
Stable | Stable | Stable |
For releases, including the latest release, see Releases.
OpenTelemetry Java 由以下仓库组成:
已经发布的发行版可以在 maven 中央仓库上找到。 我们强烈推荐使用我们的 BOM 来保持各种组件的版本同步。
dependencies {
Intro to the OpenTelemetry Java ecosystem
Get telemetry for your app in less than 5 minutes!
Instrumentation ecosystem in OpenTelemetry Java
Performance reference for the OpenTelemetry Java agent
Instrumentation libraries, exporters and other useful components for OpenTelemetry Java
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